Christmas yoga

Merry movement for your Christmas Season!
Make your Christmas a little merrier and brighter with these fun Christmas-themed yoga poses for kids!
Inside Christmas Yoga:
🌈11 Christmas-themed yoga poses!
Complete with instructions and images!

Relax all the muscles in your body…

Feel your body sinking deeper and deeper into the space…

Take a deeeep breath in…

Slooow breath out…
⭐️You are made of magic⭐️

Gimme the christmas yoga!

Make your Christmas a little merrier and brighter with these fun Christmas-themed yoga poses for kids!

Get your body moving and into the Christmas spirit!

Practicing yoga has been shown to improve:

🌈coordination & balance

🌈confidence, mood, & affect

🌈determination & persistence in the face of challenges

🌈memory & cognitive functioning

🌈social relationships



🌈self-regulation for better short and long-term goal setting behaviours

🌈strength & breath control

🌈conflict-resolution skills

🌈feelings about oneself 

🌈…and so much more!

Inside Christmas Yoga:

🌟11 Christmas-themed yoga poses!

Complete with instructions and images!

Merry movement for your Christmas Season!

Download the Christmas yoga!

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